Sunday, May 8, 2011

Essential Egg Techniques

I really liked Saveur's roundup of egg-cooking tips for their practicality and the clear illustrations. I'm in charge of breakfast in our family, and I get up early every morning for it. I love getting everything (cappuccinos and a babycino, porridge, toast) hot and on the table at the same moment, which requires the planning, forethought and experimentation of a really hard Portal level. Adding eggs -- which require a lot of close attention and precision timing -- is a great challenge for days when I'm feeling cocky.
How to cook soft boiled eggs »

How to make fluffier omelets »

How to cook the perfect sunny-side up egg »

How to create delicious scrambled eggs »

A helpful trick for peeling hard boiled eggs »

The very best way to crack eggs »

Essential Egg Techniques (via Lifehacker)
hat tip: