Sunday, July 3, 2011

Relieve Itchy Mosquito and Wasp Bites with Vick’s Vapo Rub

[ed.  This is not an endorsement - I've never tried Vicks for this purpose, but it might be worth investigating.]  

It's finally Summer but that brings one of the year's most annoying problems: bug bites. If you do fall victim to a bee sting or mosquito bite, you can easily relieve the itching and redness with the help of Vick's Vapo Rub.

This tip comes from The People's Pharmacy:
For more years than I can remember, I've had an allergy to mosquito bites. Now I don't suffer long. With a touch of Vicks the itching and redness are gone.
It seems to work for the same reasons as toothpaste, since both use menthol and menthol is a local anesthetic, but a Vick's has the distinct advantage of being made for skin application and won't show as a white splotch while you're enjoying the upcoming fourth of July weekend.

Graedon's Guide to Unique Uses for Vicks (PDF)