Thursday, November 10, 2011

Scholarly Research Papers: 30 Key, Free Websites

by Roddy MacLeod

Below, I’ve listed 30 freely available websites and services that help anyone find details of new scholarly research.  These are services which link directly to research papers or reports or conference papers or pre-prints or theses which have appeared in journals or subject/institutional repositories, or elsewhere; and especially services which produce RSS feeds, because I’m always interested in RSS, as RSS can be an excellent facility for keeping up-to-date.

These are not services which only allow you to Search, but rather ones which let you browse, or which provide lists of, or information about, new research output, with links to the actual papers.

The first few sites showcase, in various ways, new research:

1. AlphaGalileo calls itself “…the world’s independent source of research news.”  This service distribute news releases and other information from science, health, technology, the arts, humanities, social sciences and business to the world’s media.  As well as News releases, they also have Publication announcements which link to new scholarly books and journal articles.  The news releases and publication announcements can be read by anyone, however there are subscription rates for organisations to post news.  Over 1,700 research organisations use the service – mostly organisations and the larger publishers, rather than individual researchers.  There are RSS feeds for broad subject areas, regions and countries.  For example, this is the feed for Applied Science.

2. ScienceDaily offers readers news, on a subject basis, about the latest scientific discoveries.  It is freely accessible with no subscription fees.  It contains over 65,000 articles – here’s one example, entitled Emulating Nature for Better Engineering, which covers how UK researchers describe a novel approach to making porous materials, solid foams, more like their counterparts in the natural world, including bone and wood in the new issue of the International Journal of Design Engineering.  That particular story was reprinted by ScienceDaily from materials provided by Inderscience, via AlphaGalileo (see above).  Other articles are produced from materials provided by institutions, organisations and others directly to ScienceDaily or through press release services.  ScienceDaily also has RSS feeds, for example Electronic News.

3. Futurity aggregates research news produced by a consortium of participating universities, on a broad subject basis (Earth & Environment, Health & Medicine, Science & Technology, and Society & Culture).  Sometimes, the news items link to published articles, and sometimes they link to research centres or groups.  The university partners are members of the Association of American Universities (AAU), the Russell Group, and the Group of Eight.  There are currently 62 universities in the consortium, which includes the following UK universities: Cardiff University, King’s College London, University College London, University of Leeds, University of Nottingham, University of Sheffield, University of Southampton, and the University of Warwick.   Futurity has RSS feeds, e.g. Science & Technology.

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