Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Here's What Happens If You Don't Do Your Taxes

You, yes you, can do your taxes this year. Many of you are done, most of you haven't started, and a few of you are freaking out. Some of you are thinking: what if I just don't file? What will happen if I don't pay? What if I didn't file last year or the year before that? What will they do to me and will I be in prison with Wesley Snipes?

I have some answers to those questions! You should note that I am not a tax professional, that this is definitely not professional advice and that every situation is unique. Also you should be doing your taxes right now probably, not reading the Internet. But here's some experience, offered person-to-person, that is not professional counsel.

It is better to do a cruddy job and file than to not file.
When I say "cruddy job," I don't mean "making wild guesstimations" or being dishonest. I mean: If you can't nail some stuff down, forget about it and move on. For instance: Do you not have receipts for some expenses? Big deal: cut them out and forget about it. (These small expense-deductions don't generally have too much effect on your tax burden anyway.) Err on the side of "hurting" yourself and just plow through it. It's just not worth making yourself crazy over fifteen bucks!

You can fix your return!
It is easy to amend a return. It's also easy for the IRS to amend your return: "You do not need to file an amended return due to math errors. The IRS will automatically make that correction." Intense, right?

It is better to file and not pay than to not file and not pay.
What happened, you spend all your money? That's okay, pal! Do your taxes, send 'em in, if you have absolutely no money. You will incur not-totally-crazy penalties over time due to not paying, and they will want to talk to you about when you can pay. (Yup, it's always the broke people that have to pay more in this world.) That's not ideal, sure! But it's a lot more ideal than not having filed.

Okay, but should I be scared of the IRS?
The IRS only wants to hear from you. The answer, surprisingly, is a very firm "no"! Not at all! The IRS has some of the nicest, most understanding people I have ever spoken with in my life. True fact.

There's a lot of TV- and movie-propagated terror about the IRS. (As well, the whole idea of the government and money is anxiety-producing on its own, sure.) And the truth is… well, they kind of used to be a little mean? But that's actually ancient history. The people at the IRS are some of the funnest people ever! I have had long hilarious conversations with them on the phone. (For real, there are some hilarious ladies down in Atlanta.) IRS employees are like most civil servants; they deal with confused, freaked out and sometimes very dingbatty people (not you, friend!) every day—the kind of people who do not follow directions, particularly. So if you are not a jerk, they will be delighted to speak to you, at length. They will sometimes be like, "Girl, how did you get into this trouble?" and you'll be like "Oh, haha, I'm a mess! Mistakes happen!" and they'll be like, "I hear you! I get it!" Do not be afraid. What they want is to hear from you.

Should I be scared of my state tax department?
Actually… well, maybe just a little. The same rules apply as above—they do want to hear from you!—but, for instance, the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance seems to be a little cranky. They want their money, they want it now, and if you don't give it to them, they will take it. I'm sure there are some wonderful, caring people working in all of America's fine state tax departments!

What happens if you don't file?
Have I mentioned that the IRS only wants to hear from you?

by Choire Sicha, The Awl | Read more:
Image: Mat Honan