Sunday, January 14, 2018

False Ballistic Missle Alert

[ed. I was in Honolulu when the alert went out. My initial reaction? Must be a virus. Nothing on the news, no jets screaming overhead, no sirens blaring, nothing. So I figured, just a spoof and clicked the phone off. Unfortunately, my brother was in Kona at the airport when the warning appeared. All flights were immediately cancelled and TSA operations shut down. We could only laugh afterward. When you think about it, where would you rather be in a real situation - standing in a line several hundred people deep waiting to get through TSA - or taking off in a jet? I'm actually surprised people responded as rationally as they did. No massive car pile-ups. No screaming in the streets. No looting or anything else (no strangling airport security). Just everyone seemingly taking it in stride, like... what can you do?

See also: Missle-Alert Error Reveals Uncertaintly About How to React, and What It Felt Like in Hawaii When Warning of an In-Bound Missile Arrived.]