Wednesday, June 20, 2018

In Praise of Fleabag and the Unapologetically Flawed Female Antihero

Fleabag — a show named for its seamy protagonist — is a tremendous, oddly nourishing show about a liar and thief. It's the story of a cafĂ© owner with no business sense; of a woman who reads people too well and takes advantage of them. It's the story of a pair of sisters — one sex-addicted, one repressed, both unhappy. It's the story of an unwanted guinea pig, of the aftermath of a friendship, of the forms of loss you keep returning to and the holes you try to fill (sometimes literally).

by Lili Loofbourow, The Week |  Read more:
Image: YouTube/Prime Video
[ed. Fleabag. A current favorite (Amazon Prime).]