Wednesday, October 2, 2019

10 Hours of Cats Purring

[ed. There's a NY Times article out today about ASMR "boyfriends" that help you get to sleep: What Does Having a Boyfriend Have to Do With Sleep? Despite the overall creepiness of the story and the actual genre itself, the quote that got me was:
“My family is so supportive,” he said. “They thought it was cool I could get that many subscribers from whispering into a microphone.” And those subscribers mean views, which means money. But just how much? 
“For every 1,000 views, I make $3,” he said without a hint of braggadocio. The views on his role-play videos range from 155,000 to two million. “You can do the math.”
Wow. A quick curious look down the ASMR rabbit hole revealed all types of videos, even 10 hrs of cats purring. What a world (and distracting waste of time). It would be interesting to play one of these with a cat on your lap and see what happens. Another interesting fact: did you know that Bob Ross (of DYI painting fame) is considered by many to be the godfather of ASMR?]