Monday, November 4, 2019

'The Stakes Are Enormous'

The candidate who lost to Trump is making all the right moves as some fear a primary gone too far left. It’s a tantalising notion, but most observers counsel caution – and a dose of realism

Hillary Clinton speaks at the funeral service for Elijah Cummings, in Baltimore late last month.A high-profile book tour. Countless TV interviews. Political combat with a Democratic primary candidate and Donald Trump. A year before the US presidential election, it looks like a campaign and it sounds like a campaign but it isn’t a campaign. At least, not as far anyone knows.

Yet a recent surge of activity by Hillary Clinton, combined with reports and columns suggesting the Democrats have not found the right candidate, have made a 2016 rematch a fun, speculative and potentially intriguing topic of Washington conversation.

‘The stakes are enormous’: is Hillary Clinton set for a White House run? (The Guardian)

[ed. Ack... just kill me now. The fact that anyone's even speculating about this (mostly brain-dead media/Washington political hacks, but still) should be cause for alarm. It's the same political calculus that motivates Biden - if you win the primary, it's home free. Because, Blue... No Matter Who.]