Monday, April 6, 2020

A Practical Guide to Building a Country on the Internet

Building a country on the internet is one of those ideas that people almost always get interested in when I mention it. For some reason, the idea has a lot of charisma.

But what does a country on the internet mean?

In short, a country on the internet means that a virtual entity provides most of the functions that you today would get from a nation state.

But more deeply, what it really means is that there is the possibility of making a much better life for everyone. To help ensure freedom and equal opportunities for all the fine people on this good earth.

So, how can someone make a country on the internet?

A good place to start is to see what the current criteria are for establishing a new country.

by Sondre Rasch, Medium | Read more:
Image: uncredited
[ed. Crazy? Who knows these days. This isn't a particularly convincing or well thought-out proposal, but an intriguing concept nevertheless.]