Saturday, August 1, 2020

Living Tree Bridges In A Land Of Clouds

PHOTOS: Living Tree Bridges In A Land Of Clouds (NPR)
Images: Prasenjeet Yadav

"When I think back to my own arduous trek across this hillscape, I begin to comprehend how much the geography of this place is characterized by isolation and disconnectedness. Even today, most of these villages do not have road access. A trip to the closest town might require climbing down into valleys and crossing flooding rivers to reach another village.

But crossing these rivers isn't possible without a bridge.

It's hardly surprising, then, that it was the need for connectedness that provided the first guiding impulse for these ancient experiments in bioengineering. Tree bridges are structures that are literally rooted in the terrain and that thrive under the relentless pressures of the wettest land in the world."

         ~ Prasenjeet Yadav