Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Prompt Engineering: The Art of Writing Text Prompts

Do you like AI tools but have trouble getting the desired results? Then it’s time to meet the concept of AI prompt engineering. Whether you use ChatGPT or DALL-E 2, i.e. text-to-text or text-to-image AI tools, you must learn to ask the right questions to get the results you want. In light of the potential of these tools, it is reasonable to assume that those who pose such inquiries will rise in prominence as they become more embedded in the business world. Given this foresight, perhaps we have already begun to experience the profession of the future: prompt engineers. (...)

AI prompt engineering is the process of designing and creating prompts, or input data, for AI models to train them to perform specific tasks. This includes selecting the appropriate data type and formatting it so the model can understand and use it to learn. AI prompt engineering aims to create high-quality training data that will enable the AI model to make accurate predictions and decisions. It is an essential step in the development and deployment of AI systems.

AI prompt engineering is the key to limitless worlds (Dataconomy)
Image: Brendan Lynch/Axios

[ed. That was fast. See also: AI's rise generates new job title: Prompt engineer (Axios); Best practices for prompt engineering with OpenAI API (OpenAI); Prompt Engineering (Wikipedia); and, Grantable (AI grant writing assistant.]