Saturday, June 17, 2023

Cultural Amnesia: Revisiting Doom-and-Gloom Forecasts

Netflix movies by decade
Last year I looked skeptically at the myth of the long tail—a theory that promised more cultural choices and options in the digital age.

“The Long Tail is a cruel joke,” I wrote. “It’s a fairy tale we’re told to make us feel good about all those marginalized creative endeavors. . . . We live in a Short Tail society. And it’s getting shorter all the time.”

And what’s happening now? (...)

Here’s a breakdown of movies on Netflix by decade—the online archive where cinema history goes to die. (above)

by Ted Gioia, The Honest Broker |  Read more:
Image: AdWeek
[ed. Interesting graphic. See also: Where Did the Long Tail Go? (THB):

"Not only has Netflix sharply reduced the number of movies it offers on its streaming platform, but now has a lot of competitors (Disney, Apple, Paramount, etc.) that are also tightly managing the titles they feature."

Also, this: I warned in December that TikTok may have already peaked. But new numbers show how quickly the decline is taking place.
