Saturday, September 7, 2024

Nvidia: Nothing to See Here... Move Along

Nvidia Corp.’s stock continued to bleed in the aftermath of last week’s earnings report.

The stock has fallen in four of the six sessions since that report, and it saw especially heavy pressure this week — so much so that it delivered its worst weekly performance in two years, according to Dow Jones Market Data. Nvidia shares lost 13.9% this week; they fell 16.1% in the week ended Sept. 2, 2022.

In all, Nvidia erased $406 billion from its market value on the week, the most for any U.S. company on record, and more than the combined market capitalizations of Advanced Micro Devices Inc.

Nvidia shed $406 billion in market cap this week. What’s next for the stock? (Market Watch)

Nvidia Corp. Chief Executive Jensen Huang has sold more than 5 million shares of the chip maker in recent months, totaling about $633.1 million, according to a new filing.

According to a filing Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Huang sold nearly 5.3 million shares, in tranches of 120,000 shares each, in a series of transactions between June 13 and Sept. 4. (...)

Huang is Nvidia’s largest individual shareholder, according to data from FactSet, holding about 3.5% of the company’s outstanding shares as of Aug. 9.

Huang has a personal fortune worth about $94.2 billion —an increase of about $50 billion year to date — according to the Bloomberg Billionaire’s Index, which ranks him as the 18th-wealthiest person in the world.

CEO Jensen Huang has sold more than $633 million in Nvidia stock since June (Market Watch)

[ed. The guy's got $94.2 billion. Consider that for a moment. And he's only the 18th wealthiest person in the world. I'm thinking of investing in pitchforks (especially for spineless politicians and courts that allow these levels of inequity to persist).]