Mizue Hasegawa practices the ancient art of kyudo at Soto Mission of Hawaii in Nuuanu. Hasegawa, president and sensei of local archery club Hawaii Kyudo Kai, says it’s the oldest martial art in Japan, one with deep philosophical roots. “We focus on three main goals: shin, the truth, zen, the goodness, and bi, the beauty,” she explains. “If you have all three, the arrow should go through the target. But hitting the target is not our main objective.” Hawaii Kyudo Kai’s 15 members hone their skills every Sunday
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Mizue Hasegawa practices the ancient art of kyudo at Soto Mission of Hawaii in Nuuanu. Hasegawa, president and sensei of local archery club Hawaii Kyudo Kai, says it’s the oldest martial art in Japan, one with deep philosophical roots. “We focus on three main goals: shin, the truth, zen, the goodness, and bi, the beauty,” she explains. “If you have all three, the arrow should go through the target. But hitting the target is not our main objective.” Hawaii Kyudo Kai’s 15 members hone their skills every Sunday